Why are baby clothes so expensive?

Baby clothing

Motherhood is a source of unlimited pleasure. According to most of them, a baby can take away a bad day instantly. Just as how women perceive retail therapy too. Independently, being a mother and shopping can bring a great deal of gratification, but together they can cause a bit of anxiety.

Case in point, picture a mother walking into a store. As she heads towards the kids’ section of miniature shirts and pants, tiny shoes, cute little hats, she considers everything looking endearing and delightful, she sees an adorable onesie. She reaches out to it right away to caress the material. Its softness and comfortability convincingly made her flip the tag then gawked as she sees the price. How could something so itsy bitsy tiny come at such a steep price? Here are some of the possible reasons:

Baby Tested, Mother Approved

Baby clothes, be it online or in store, are expensive because of their high production cost. As an infant’s skin is as soft and delicate, it has to conform to its needs to be nurtured and sustained. Its vulnerability heeds for right protection and usually, expensive clothes are the ones who could deliver. Parents, too, are very protective about their babies and only want the best for them. They want their babies to be covered in the most comfortable garment or the mushiest Minky and these high-quality materials do not come cheap. Furthermore, most of these fabrics are organic. Meaning, it always equates to a hefty price bump. This is because organic materials are unlikely to contain harmful chemicals, are sourced from eco-friendly, sustainable farms, and boasts of being ethically made. Who will not want that for their child?

Baby girl

Swaddles, Surplus, and Shortage                              

Why then are clothing for babies still more expensive than that for adults even when both are organic? The answer lies in the classic law of supply and demand. This theory on how the supply meets the demand impacts the actual price of products. Simply put, when supply stays high because there’s little or no demand, prices decrease and vice versa.

Also, baby clothes are not manufactured as much as adult clothes are. While there’s greater demand for the latter, the “equilibrium price” for baby apparel has an upward pressure because the supply for it is much lower.

Costly Cuteness

Finally, baby garbs are expensive because even at such price, they still sell. Be it in a children’s boutique or a place as simple as target, baby clothes would be chosen by the same individual from both places irrespective of the cost. Seeing a pintsized crisp shirt that comes with a bow tie or that adorable ruffled dress is enough to tug people’s heartstrings. Parents, especially first-time moms and dads, if financially capable, will surely splurge for their little ones. It doesn’t matter if it will only be worn once, lucky if for a couple of times. The cuteness factor ends up outweighing practicality. Even though comfort and safety are of utmost importance, parents still want stylish and trendy outfits for their mini me’s. A study that analyzed the global trend for baby apparel predicts that there will be considerable growth in the market this 2019-2026 with the rising demand for branded apparel and increasing preference for fashionable clothing as two of the main reasons.

Costless Comfort                

At this rate, it seems that these adorable attires will remain costly. Although spoiling the kids with clothes and consequently, spoiling oneself with the shopping spree is an indulgence, parents need to be smarter about their choices. Prioritization is the key. Needs always come before wants. When the need to indulge arises, try and seek out great buys from sales and bargains. Wrap your baby with something “costless” and ultimately more significant than any garment: solace, warmth and much love.

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